I've been around that internet since... since... I honestly can't remember. I think I used to look after a web server that ran IIS 1.0. It was cutting edge stuff. It had hyperlinks!!
Nowadays, I'm busy working at The University of Nottingham, looking after Portals, Workspace, Moodle and a whole raft of WebApps such as KEPN, Best Bets for Vets, Status, Windows on War etc...
Here's a few websites for which I'm responsible outside of work. All Joomla CMS sites:-
On the day that my 20-year-old cat, Smeagol died, I was sitting in a diner in the States when my phone rang. I didn't recognise the number, but I answered it anyway. It was Mick Extance, 7-time Dakar Rally entrant asking me if I was interested in helping him with his website. He also needed a logo designing so I used a photo of Mick's son Adam as the basis.
When my good friend Phil said he was taking over the local pub, I was thrilled when he asked me to do his website and the photography that goes with it, for him. here's the results.
My kids had been learning Karate at Nottingham Martial Arts Academy for 6 months, when Sensei Wayne Rogers approached me to redesign his website and look after all his IT needs. I'd like to think I delivered for him.
Another site I'm in the process if building. This one for Adrian Handbury of Intelligent Watering. Adrian also needed a logo designing and I'd played with the "IW" concept quite a bit for my own logo.
I provide IT support for several local charities, I also provide website hosting and management, online payment supprt etc. http://reversefestival.co.uk and http://offroadforrett.co.uk.http://gitesinfrance.co.uk
I've been going to Kerguillaume since the 1990's. I love the area around Morbihan and the Guérande and I love the fact that my Uncle has a few Gîtes north of La Roche-Bernard. This website's getting on a bit as I designed this back in 2002. Watch this space though, I've just come back from a holiday there with a few thousand photos...